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Over 100 million interesting men and women are logged in to Tantan, chatting, making new friends, and finding their perfect match!Tantan is the most exciting way of meeting new people and expanding your social circle.Receive profiles of interesting people around you, view their photos, likes and interests to review them better. Like your favourites with a swipe, and if they like you back, that makes it a match!😍 MAKE NEW FRIENDSView photos and check out everyones interests to decide who deserves a like! Access to an exciting collection of people looking to make new friends without any fear of rejection.💖 IT’S A MATCHOnce you match with people, chat using texts, voice messages, pictures and videos. Know your matches better by following the life moments they share. 💕 NO CREEPSChat only with the people you match with. You will never receive messages from random people you didn’t like..😉 ASSURED PRIVACYYour social life is private; we get it. When you choose to hide your contacts, then the contacts in your address book won’t be suggested to you and vice versa.🎲 BREAK THE ICEThe ice-breaking feature is now available on Tantan where you can use ten playful questions to understand your match better.Follow Us- Facebook: @tantanapp- Instagram: @tantanappContact Us- Website: E-mail:
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